
Emelia-Michelle. You are the sweetest, strongest, most courageous little lady. I can’t imagine doing life without you, and I feel so honestly truthfully grateful for having you in my life. I know it wasn’t as easy road for you to join, and I know your life hasn’t been as peachy and healthy as other kids. But despite your struggles and battles; you just take the most enjoyment you can in life. You explore anything and everything. The messier, the better! You love books, crafts, puzzles. You recently learnt how to play the card game memory.

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Raising Baby: Breastfeeding Pt. 3

I have posted a few times before about this journey of mine. The “breastfeeding” part of my journey. I have discussed why I had to introduce formula, why I had to express, why I had to use nipple shields. I have discussed Emelia-Michelle’s health concerns and issues. I have discussed nearly every aspect of breastfeeding and bottle feeding inside and out. We have had a horrendous breastfeeding journey really. BUT it has been magical. It has not been ‘easy’ it did not come ‘naturally’ but it did come, it did work, and I have amazed myself time and time again with what my body and baby have been capable of. IF you are new and are interested; here are the links to catch up.

  • Part 1 with Emelia-Michelle at 1 month ‘here’
  • Part 2 with Emelia-Michelle at 3 months ‘here’
  • Part 3 with Emelia-Michelle at 6 months ‘here’

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Our First Christmas!

I say “our” – because while I’ve had many Christmasses before, this is my first one with Emelia-Michelle… My first as a Mother, And the best one to date. After years and years of wrapping presents for everyone else’s kids, and putting from “Aunty” on them, or watching everyone else hang Santa stockings for their babies, while I sit on the sidelines. Christmas “as an infertile” is dammed hard if I’m honest, it’s a real killer to mental health. So for me – celebrating this Christmas as a Mother, felt like a true miracle. Writing “To Emelia-Michelle; From Mama.” was the weirdest thing ever, yet so so special at the same time. Taking my baby to see Santa, and hanging her stocking, doing all the little things with her. She doesn’t care, she doesn’t know – but this was my first Christmas being able to make and share memories. So I did my best. Continue reading